Top Tips for Maintaining Your Blinds and Shutters


Blinds and shutters are excellent ways to add window coverings for your home. They bring a lot of flexibility and flair to your home. However, if you are not careful enough to clean them properly and fail to follow up with proper maintenance, they will not last as long as you’ve thought. Here’s how to keep them in good condition –


It’s a must to clean dust

Dust gets accumulated every day. If you don’t clean the shutters and blinds for a long time, they will get damaged. That’s why, its best to dust off the blinds and shutters every week. It doesn’t take much time at all. A quick 5 mins gets the job done. First, dust off the surface and then use a vacuum to clean the remaining dust and end by brushing off nicely to get that lacklustre back.


Dry based washing procedures should be performed weekly to keep the blinds and shutters clean but sometimes they may require a deeper cleaning. Once in a month, it can be cleaned with soap, water and scrub. It’s also easy as well, soak a piece of sponge in soapy water and then wipe the blinds one strip by one strip and then flip the strips and repeat the process.

Save from UV exposure

Prolonged UV exposure is likely to discolour the blinds and shutters. The window which keeps on getting the most amount of sunlight throughout the year can be relocated and shuffled with blinds from another room with less exposure to UV rays. This will lengthen the lifespan of the blinds.

Check for displaced strips

If even one single strip gets displaced for a long time, not flipping on one side may cause problems for the whole set of blinds. This one piece can lead to wear and tear of the connecting strands and threads. This may lead to damage to other strips as the whole set of strips are interconnected. That’s why they should be regularly checked for displaced strips or any other unusual symptom.

Prevent mishandling

The blinds with cords are most susceptible to get damaged if the cords are mishandled. Children are fond of pulling and swaying the blinds with these cords, so it should be taken into consideration. Along with this, other mishandles like pulling with too much force, putting too much pressure and using hands and fingers to move the set or the strips can lead to damaging them for long time. That’s why it’s important to handle them with care and prevent children from putting their hands on it.

With a bit of carefulness and care blinds and shutters go a long way and they prove their worth of being a good and worthy investment.

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